'The EU in 2015': General Report on the Activities of the EU published

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 9 maart 2016.

The European Commission publishes the General Report on the Activities of the European Union for 2015 which gives, in a citizen-friendly way, an account of the EU's major initiatives and achievements of the past year.

Do you want to know what the European Union did in 2015? Which decisions the EU took to address the refugee crisis and strengthen the financial and economic situation in the EU?

You can find the answers to all these questions and more in the 2015 General Report which summarises the activities of the European Union in the previous year. 'The EU in 2015' comes with an introduction by President Juncker and covers the major events and initiatives of the year.

These include amongst others the EU's efforts to tackle the refugee crisis, the agreement on support for Greece, the EU's response following the Paris terrorist attacks and also the launch of the Investment Plan for Europe and other major initiatives like the Digital Single Market, Energy Union and Capital Markets Union. The Report and a separate shorter summary of it present the EU's activities in a citizen-friendly way and are intended to be interesting and accessible not only for those familiar with EU affairs, but also for the general public, including those who know little or nothing about the EU's activities. The interactivity and the visual impact have been significantly increased through extensive use of hyperlinks, photos, videos and infographics.

The publication of the General Report is a Treaty obligation, set out in Article 249(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

The 'EU in 2015' General Report is available in all official EU languages.