EU support to Burkina Faso

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 7 maart 2016.

MD Africa, Koen Vervaeke, accompanied Commissioner Mimica i visit to Burkina Faso to bring a message of support to the Burkinabé people following the terrorist attacks of 15th January and also to congratulate newly elected President Kaboré who took office on 29 December following a year of Transition in the country.

Following 27 years under the rule of President Blaise Compaoré a popular uprising protesting against his intention to reform the Constitution and run for another consecutive election, forced him to leave the country. A civilian led transition followed in an example of democratic responsibility by the people of Burkina Faso.

The Transition also triggered a demand for justice in highly political cases; the clarification of the murder of Thomas Sankara, iconic figure of the revolution and President between 1983 and 1987 (in which President Compaoré might have played a role, according to some sources) and the assassination of journalist Norbert Zongo (in which President Compaoré´s brother is believed to be involved).

These investigations together with the proposal to dissolve the former Presidential guard, an elite "army within the army" charged with the protection of the President, triggered a military coup d´état on the 16th of September 2015 which shortly threatened the Transition and the stability of the country. The strong popular protest together with a determined response by the international community, in which the EU played a prominent role, contributed to the failure of the coup.

The legislative and Presidential elections that followed in November 2015 brought the country back to democratic rule. These elections were observed by the EU and highly praised for the respect of international standards. President Roch Kaboré has however had to face the first indiscriminate terrorist attacks in the capital, Ouagadougou, which made 30 victims including many Europeans.

It is against this backdrop that Commissioner Mimica and MD Africa Koen Vervaeke visited the country to underline EU support following the terrorist attacks and to show the readiness to assist Burkina Faso in the fight against terrorism. The visit included meetings with the President, the Prime Minister and several Ministers to take stock of EU-Burkina Faso relations and cooperation. Commissioner Mimica and MD Vervaeke also took a moment to pay respect to the victims of the terrorist attacks of 15 January and visited the staff of the EU Delegation to bring a message of recognition for their work under difficult circumstances.