EU-Turkey | Protecting and managing refugee flows key says Mogherini

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 7 maart 2016.

The refugee crisis and the implementation of EU-Turkey action plan was in focus Monday as EU leaders met with Turkish PM Ahmet Davutoğlu in Brussels. The action plan is seen as vital in order to tackle the refugee crisis into Europe by stemming migration and disrupting networks of traffickers and smugglers. Arriving at the meeting, EU High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini said that the most important thing is to "make sure that all that has been agreed with Turkey is implemented, in particular related to the Joint Action Plan and the refugee crisis and the need to make it sustainable in the immediate term and in the long run."

The refugee crisis and the implementation of EU-Turkey action plan was in focus Monday as EU leaders met with Turkish PM Ahmet Davutoğ in Brussels. The action plan is seen as vital in order to tackle the refugee crisis into Europe by stemming migration and disrupting networks of traffickers and smugglers. Arriving at the meeting, EU High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini said that the most important thing is to "make sure that all that has been agreed with Turkey is implemented, in particular related to the Joint Action Plan and the refugee crisis and the need to make it sustainable in the immediate term and in the long run."

She said the key was "the protection of the refugees and the management of the flow (of refugees), with the disruption of the network of traffickers."

This is why the European Union, she underlined, "is allocating €3 billion - not to the government of Turkey, but to projects to support refugees and their lives."

But it's not the only point under discussion. "Our relation with Turkey is a complex one…as Turkey is in itself a complex country. We are working together on the Syrian War, trying to put an end to the 5 year old conflict there - this is a top priority for the European Union.", she said.

"We are working together also with Turkey as a candidate country and here we have internal developments we are following very closely from the European Union's side." Specifically she said "there is a need for Turkey to respond to the call from the European Union side, as a candidate country, to respect the highest standards when it comes to democracy, rule of law, fundamental freedoms, starting with the freedom of expression and the freedom of association."