Video Parliament agenda: Migration crisis, Car emissions, tackling Islamist Extremism

Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 26 februari 2016.

A week ahead of the next EU Summit (7 March), the migration crisis is unfortunately still topping the agenda. On 29 February, the LIBE Committee, joined by the Commission, will debate EU borders management and European coast guard. LIBE Members will also discuss draft legislation to step up checks at EU external borders and travel documents for the return of immigrants staying illegally in the EU. In other news, the newly-created Emission Measurements in the Automotive Sector inquiry committee (EMIS) will hold its first meeting on 2 March. EMIS will investigate car makers’ breaches of rules on emission tests - let us hope that this time, lessons will be learnt. Finally, on 3 March, the ECR Group will be holding a high-level conference on tackling Islamist Extremism co-hosted by Syed Kamall MEP and the Imam Foundation. They will be joined by a strong line-up of speakers from politics, diplomacy, law and intelligence. James Holtum, ECR Group spokesperson, has the story.