Mogherini bids farewell to Mozambique stressing country's potential

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 25 februari 2016.

Departing Mozambique after a two day visit, Federica Mogherini i remarked that the country needs to relaunch a process of national reconciliation to "unleash its huge potential" and "avoid the risk" of a war. The European Union's High Representative explained that "it is indispensable to recreate a reconciliation dynamic, to make the process inclusive, to make it deliver for the population".

This, she said, "has been my message to all my interlocutors. Our European Union is ready to support such a process," she added.

High Representative Mogherini said that Mozambique has "a lot to be protected and preserved, to create a future as bright as its citizens deserve."

During her visit she met with President Filipe Nyusi, Foreign Minister Oldemiro Baloi, leaders of opposition parties Renamo and MDM, European investors, civil society and European NGOs working in Maputo. She also visited an EU funded project for children and the “Dream” children care and AIDS treatment centre run by the Sant’Egidio Community.

After meeting President Nyusi she told journalists the EU will keep investing in the country and supporting its economy after the recent drought and floods. Mogherini and President Nyusi are expected to meet again during the President's visit to Brussels, on 21-22 April.

Mogherini has now moved to South Africa, where she visited the Hector Pieterson Memorial and Museum, commemorating the victims of the 1976 Soweto uprising. Whilst in South Africa she will represent the EU at the "EU-South Africa Ministerial Political Dialogue" in Pretoria with Foreign Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashaban.