International Syria Support group calls for cessation of hostilities

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 12 februari 2016.

Syria needs urgently humanitarian aid and a halt in the fightings. Meeting in Munich on 11-12 February, the "International Syria Support Group" (ISSG) has agreed on measures to accelerate the delivery of humanitarian aid and to secure support from all parties to a cessation of hostilities in the war-torn country. The cessation of hostilities should commence in one week, after confirmation by the Syrian government and opposition, following appropriate consultations in Syria. The ISSG also reaffirmed that it is "for the Syrian people to decide the future of Syria."

High Representative Federica Mogherini i represented the EU at the talks. " After six hours of difficult discussion - and many bilateral preparatory meetings - tonight we took a decisive step forward, a concrete one, for Syria", she said.

On the one hand, she noted, "humanitarian aid should be delivered immediately, starting from those cities that are under siege; an operative task force will be working on it as of today in Geneva, and the European Union - the main donor - will play a crucial role in it. On the other hand, we committed to pushing for a cessation of hostilities among the parties involved in the civil war, while keeping up the fight against Daesh, al Nusra and the other terrorist organisations defined by the UN."

She said the humanitarian task force was an "extremely positive" step and that the EU would work hand in with the UN to make it a success. She noted the political negotiations on a settlement would be more complicated but the EU would support them.

International Syria Support - key points

The ISSG members unanimously committed themselves to immediately implement the UN Security resolution which aims to:

Ensure a Syrian-led and Syrian-owned political transition

End indiscriminate use of weapons

Support the agreement and implement a nationwide ceasefire

Push for humanitarian access to besieged and hard-to-reach areas

Release prisoners

Fight terrorism

Humanitarian task force to ensure humanitarian access

The group also called for the urgent delivery of humanitarian aid and assistance to begin this week by air to Deir Ez Zour and Fouah, Kafrayah, the besieged areas of Rural Damascus, Madaya, Mouadhimiyeh, and Kafr Batna by land, and continue as long as humanitarian needs persist.

Humanitarian access to these most urgent areas will be a first step toward full, sustained and unimpeded access throughout the country.

A nationwide cease fire

The ISSG members agreed that a nationwide cessation of hostilities must be urgently implemented, and should apply to any party currently engaged in military or paramilitary hostilities against any other parties other than Daesh, Jabhat al-Nusra, or other groups designated as terrorist organizations by the United Nations Security Council.

The ISSG members commit to exercise influence for an immediate and significant reduction in violence leading to the nationwide cessation of hostilities.

Peace negotiations

The members of the ISSG reaffirmed the imperative of all sides engaging in negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations as soon as possible,

They reaffirmed that it is for the Syrian people to decide the future of Syria. The members of the ISSG pledge to do all they can to facilitate rapid progress in these negotiations, including the reaching of agreement within six months on a political transition plan that establishes credible, inclusive and non-sectarian governance and sets a schedule and process for drafting a new constitution free and fair elections, pursuant to the new constitution, to be held within 18 months and administered under supervision of the United Nations.


The International Syria Support Group consists of the Arab League, China, Egypt, the EU, France, Germany, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Oman, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, the UK, the UN and the US.


Statement of the International Syria Support Group

The EU and Syria


Mediterranean & Middle East,
