EU must maintain its aid to Libya, say MEPs

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 4 februari 2016, 12:33.

Economic disintegration and violence in Libya are worsening its fragility and enabling extremist organisations to flourish there, warned MEPs in Wednesday’s debate with Dutch foreign minister Bert Koenders i, representing the EU foreign policy chief. Spillovers from Libya’s conflicts are also destabilising the Sahel region, they add. In a resolution voted on Thursday, MEPs urge the EU and international community to be ready to support Libyans’ efforts to implement the Libyan Political Agreement.

In a resolution passed by 478 votes to 81, with 81 abstentions, the European Parliament welcomes the Libyan Political Agreement signed on 17 December 2015, and backs the newly-established single Government of National Accord and national institutions which are to guide Libya through its post-revolution transition and put it back on the path to building a democratic, peaceful, stable and prosperous country.

Impact in the Sahel region and in Europe

MEPs voice concerns about the security spillover of the Libyan conflict in Egypt and particularly Tunisia, but also in Algeria and its oilfields, and also stress the role of the Libyan conflict in exacerbating extremism in Tunisia. The growing presence of extremist organisations and movements in Libya is also deeply worrying, add MEPs, who believe these groups represent a major threat to the stability and security of the whole region, and also to the security of Europe.

The European Parliament calls for continued humanitarian, financial and political assistance from the EU and the international community to address the humanitarian situation in Libya, the plight of internally displaced persons and refugees and that of civilians facing disruptions in access to basic services.

REF. : 20160129IPR11939