Ukraine resignation is 'cold shower' for elite

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 4 februari 2016, 9:28.
Auteur: Andrew Rettman

The surprise resignation of Ukraine’s Lithuanian economy minister in protest at high-level corruption is a “cold shower” for Kiev’s political elite, Lithuania’s foreign minister has said.

“It’s a cold shower for all those in Ukraine who believe their personal interests are more important than those of their country," foreign minister Linas Linkevicus told EUobserver on Thursday (4 February).

"It’s very alarming when one of the most effective reformists in the government says he can’t do his work," he said.

"This shouldn’t happen in a country which is, anyway, facing many problems in the security and economic dimensions."

He noted there had been a “strong” reaction, from EU ambassadors in Kiev and from the US, calling for Ukraine to continue reforms.

US state department spokesman James Kirby said on Wednesday: “It’s important that Ukraine’s leaders set aside their differences, put the vested interests that have hindered the country’s progress for decades - put that all in the past, and press forward on these same vital reforms.”

Resignation 'not final'

Linkevicus spoke after Ukraine’s economy minister, fellow Lithuanian Aivarus Abromavicius, handed in his resignation saying he refused to act as “cover” for government corruption.L

He spoke of obstructions to his work “ranging from a sudden removal of my security detail to pressure to appoint questionable individuals to my team, or to key positions in state-owned enterprises”.

Abromavicius, a former banker, is part of a group of foreigners posted to top jobs in Kiev to clean up the old system.

The group includes Natalie Jaresko, a US-born banker who became Ukraine’s finance minister, and Mikheil Saakashvili, Georgia’s former PM, who became governor of the Odessa region.

It also includes lesser-known people such as Davit Sakvarelidz, a Georgian national who became Ukraine’s deputy prosecutor general.

Linkevicus said he spoke with Abromavicius by phone on Wednesday.

He said the resignation was not final, if Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko intervenes to protect him: “I know him [Abromavicius] and I hope it isn’t the final call … he might rethink his decision, pending developments.”

Lithuania is one of Ukraine’s closes allies in the EU Council.

But Linkevicus said if Kiev did not pull its socks up, it could have a negative impact on its EU visa-free travel bid. “Everything is connected,” he said.

He also warned that any loss of credibility for Poroshenko i would help Russia and the Ukraine rulers who fled during the 2014 revolution to cause trouble.

“It will play into the hands of those who want to destabilise Ukraine,” he said.

'Many mistakes'

Corruption issues aside, Poroshenko is also losing popularity over his attempt to pass laws governing local elections in Russia-occupied regions in east Ukraine.

France and Germany, negotiating on behalf of the EU in Minsk last year, agreed that the elections should be a cornerstone of the Ukraine ceasefire accord.

But Poroshenko’s political opponents say they represent capitulation to Russia’s puppet regimes, the Donetsk and Luhansk so-called people’s republics.

Asked if Paris and Berlin had made a mistake, Linkevicus said "many mistakes were made".

He said the elections could hardly go ahead when Russian-controlled troops continued to exchange fire with Ukraine forces and Russia was still pouring weapons over the border.

He also pointed out that there was no access to Donetsk or Luhansk for international observers, Ukrainian political parties or the Ukrainian media.

The Lithuanian FM said the “sequencing” of Minsk compliance by both sides was “illogical.”

“That [Ukraine’s] control of the border should come after the elections? How can this be done,” he said.

'Wishful thinking'

Linkevicus spoke to EUobserver from London, where he is taking part in a high-level conference on Syria.

Russia entered the Syria conflict last year with bombing raids which, EU and US diplomats say, are designed to protect Syrian president Bashar al-Assad.

Diplomats also say the Syria conflict has nothing to do with Ukraine, noting that Russia played a positive role in Iran nuclear talks despite its Ukraine invasion.

But Linkevicus said Russia’s behaviour in Ukraine must be taken into account in other theatres.

“It’s wishful thinking to say Russia will act along one line in one conflict and along very different lines in another conflict,” he said.

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