EU should set up a trust fund to support Colombia peace process, say MEPs

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 20 januari 2016, 13:21.

EU countries should set up trust fund for Colombia, to help victims of its recently-ended 50-year internal conflict to seek truth, justice, and reparations and prosecute war criminals, say MEPs in a resolution voted on Wednesday. They praise the political effort, realism and perseverance shown by both the government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), in ending the conflict and urge the EU to support their peace-building efforts.

Post-conflict trust fund

Noting that ending a war is much harder than starting one, MEPs renew their call on EU member states to set up a trust fund to support the post-conflict phase, inter alia by funding the prosecution of war criminals and help for their victims to seek truth, justice, reparations and guarantees of non-repetition. They approved their resolution by a show of hands.


Sentences imposed on perpetrators of crimes must form part of reparations for victims and should further social and political reconciliation, say MEPs. They stress that the peace process should be accompanied by a determined effort to combat inequality and poverty, including fair solutions for people and communities forced off their lands.

Revising military doctrine

MEPs welcome the announcement by the Colombian armed forces that Colombia’s military doctrine will be reviewed to prepare the armed forces to respond quickly and effectively to the new challenges in the post-conflict phase, whilst acting as guarantors of the peace accords.


The FARC and the Colombian government on Tuesday asked the UN to oversee the end of the conflict for 12 months and to monitor the disarmament process. They described this as a "particularly significant step" towards a peace pact which the parties hope to sign in the coming months. A final peace deal is expected by March 2016.

Procedure: Non-legislative resolution

REF. : 20160115IPR10179