EU announces €29 million in humanitarian aid for Somalia

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 20 januari 2016.

Today the European Commission has announced €29 million, for 2016, in humanitarian support for the most vulnerable populations in Somalia. The new funding comes as nearly five million people are in need of humanitarian assistance and over one million people remain displaced inside the country.

Announcing the funds in the Somalian capital Mogadishu during a visit to the country, EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, Christos Stylianides i said:

"The EU will continue to ensure that humanitarian aid reaches the most vulnerable populations in Somalia. Despite the challenging security conditions for humanitarian workers to deliver aid, we cannot overlook long lasting and complex crises like that of Somalia. Today I have met with key humanitarian partners, beneficiaries and authorities. Our humanitarian aid remains most needed, yet a conducive political environment is the only solution that can end the humanitarian crisis."

The funding will help provide support in the areas of food, health services, water, sanitation and hygiene, shelter, protection and education in emergencies.


The ongoing conflict and complex emergency in Somalia have displaced millions from their homes. Over a million people have been internally displaced, while almost as many have fled to neighbouring countries, in particular to Kenya, Ethiopia and Yemen. The country has also been weakened by years of consecutive crises: famine, poor harvests, droughts and other natural disasters. Meanwhile, safe and free humanitarian access to people in need remains difficult in certain areas.

Somalia is also currently being affected by the extreme weather phenomenon ‘El Niño’. 145 200 people faced floods in the south of the country during the last quarter of 2015 and almost a thousand cases of acute waterborne diseases were reported. In the north, over 340 000 people affected by droughts are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance.

Last month, the EU announced support of €79 million for the Greater Horn of Africa region, including Somalia, to deal with the consequences of ‘El Niño’.

For more information:

Horn of Africa factsheet

Somalia factsheet

Kenya factsheet


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