Foreign Affairs Council, 18/01/2016 - Main results

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 19 januari 2016, 1:07.

Meeting information

Outcome of the Council meeting

Indicative Programme, Foreign Affairs Council 18/01/2016

Provisional agenda, Foreign Affairs Council, 18 January 2016

List of A items, non-legislative activities, Foreign Affairs Council, 18 January 2016

Addendum 1 to list of A items, non-legislative activities, Foreign Affairs Council, 18 January 2016

Background brief


The Council discussed Syria and developments in the region. It expressed full support for UN Security Council resolution 2254 endorsing a "roadmap" for a peace process in Syria and setting a timetable for talks. It discussed the EU's position ahead of a Syria donors' conference in London on 4 February 2016. It condemned the targeting of civilians and emphasised the importance of UN-led confidence building measures.

EU Ministers were joined by Jordan Foreign Minister, Nasser Judeh, for lunch to discuss bilateral relations, with a view to further strengthening it, as well as the situation in the region.


The Council adopted conclusions on Libya, expressing full support for the political agreement signed on 17 December 2015 and welcoming the formation of the Presidency Council. The EU and its member states will support the Government of National Accord as the sole legitimate government of Libya, urging all Libyan institutions to accept the authority of the GNA.

Middle East Peace Process

The Council adopted conclusions on the Middle East peace process, reaffirming its support to calls by the Quartet for significant steps to be taken in order to restore confidence and rebuild trust. It recalled its willingness to engage further with regional partners on the basis of the Arab Peace Initiative. The Council conclusions are a "good basis for our common position and also for our engagement in the Middle East process with the parties on the ground, but also with international actors and partners," Ms Mogherini said.


Finally, although Iran was not on the agenda, the High Representative updated ministers on implementation of the Iranian nuclear deal. "We shared the assessment of the fact that this is indeed a turning point, not only for security and stability in the region; it opens new ways for bilateral cooperation", she said.