Video COP21 - All you need to know

Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 15 december 2015.

COP21 ended on December 12 with the adoption of a universal agreement on climate change. For the first time ever, 195 countries are now legally bound in their fight against climate change and global warming. Some provisions, such as transparency, still need to be concretely worked out. The Paris Agreement sets out ambitious objectives, such as the limitation of the rise of the atmospheric temperature to 2 - possibly 1.5 - °C. However, it does not mention at all aviation and shipping emissions, one of the EU’s warhorses. Climate finance is consolidated. The text opens the way for a re-orientation of investments into green technologies. The first official decisions following up to COP21 are to be taken next year at COP22 -to be taking place in Marrakesh (Morocco) from November 7 to 18, 2016.

There is still a lot on the EU’s plate since its 2030 package and its ETS reform are yet to be implemented in the course of the coming months and years. Hughes Belin, leading Energy journalist, has the story.