EU Foreign Ministers discuss Libya, counter-terrorism and Eastern partnership

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 14 december 2015.

The developments in Libya, counter terrorism initiatives, and the EU's partnership with Eastern countries were discussed when EU foreign Ministers held their last meeting of 2015 in Brussels on Monday 14 December. The meeting was chaired by EU High Representative Federica Mogherini i. EU-Turkey relations were discussed as Ministers had a working lunch with their Turkish counterpart.

Ministers discussed Sunday's Rome conference on Libya and held talks with the UN Secretary General's Envoy Martin Kobler. The High Representative stressed that she was hopeful of progress in Libya "in the coming days", with an agreement that could help improve security and stability, ease the migration crisis and the curb the spread of Da'esh (ISIL). On Libya, she said that the EU agreed it must be a "Libya led process" and that what was needed was "unity, action - and fast".

Ministers also had talks over lunch with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, where they discussed Syria, the fight against Da'esh, foreign fighters and Libya. Mogherini said it followed on the from the EU-Turkey summit: "We face common threats, the threat of Da'esh, foreign fighters and we need a common approach.", she said.

The meeting also saw Minsters hold talks with the EU counter terrorism coordinator Gilles de Kerchove i, and Federica Mogherni said she updated Ministers on what the EU was doing on counter terrorism with countries in the Middle East and North Africa.

The High Representative said they discussed the Middle East Peace Process and the guidelines on the indication of origin. She said the EU remained united and this is not and should not be seen as a boycott, and that the EU was fully united and determined to move forward on the Middle East Peace Process.

The meeting also saw EU Foreign Ministers discuss the state of play of the EU's relations with its eastern neighbours. "We discussed a tailor made, differentiated approach", Mogherini stressed, and "as we focus on the south, we stay focused on the eastern neighbours".

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Remarks by High Representative Federica MOGHERINI following the Foreign Affairs Council

Video of the press conference


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