Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council, 07/12/2015 - Main results

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 8 december 2015, 1:13.

Meeting information

Outcome of the Council meeting

Indicative programme - Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council meeting, 7 December 2015

List of A items, non legislative activities, Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council, 7 December 2015


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Background brief

Employment and Social Policy

The Council held a detailed discussion on the women on company boards directive but was unable to reach an agreement. Given the continuing differences of views on the proposal, further work will be needed on possible options on a way forward.

The Council reached political agreement on a recommendation on the integration of the long-term unemployed into the labour market.

Social triple "A" should not remain a formula without clear consequences for citizens. The rebalancing of governance is not only a necessity, it is becoming increasingly urgent. Effective coordination between EPSCO and ECOFIN is therefore essential.

Mr Nicolas Schmit, Luxembourg Minister for Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy

It also held an exchange of views on the strategic engagement for gender equality 2016-2019 and on the European Semester including the priorities outlined in the annual growth survey 2016. Regarding the latter, Mr Nicolas Schmit, Luxembourg Minister for Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy said: Social triple "A" should not remain a formula without clear consequences for citizens. The rebalancing of governance is not only a necessity, it is becoming increasingly urgent. Effective coordination between EPSCO and ECOFIN is therefore essential.

The Council took stock of progress on the equal treatment directive.

The Council adopted conclusions on:

  • equality between women and men in the area of decision making;
  • the promotion of the social economy as a key driver of economic and social development in Europe;
  • social governance for an inclusive Europe.

The Presidency informed the Council about the successful negotiations with the European Parliament on both the EURES network and the Platform against undeclared work. These agreements should allow for the adoption of both legislative acts in the near future.

Finally, the Presidency drew attention to the various conferences held in Luxembourg and highlighted in particular the conference “Investing in people” where Nicolas Schmit stressed the need to take into account the impact of digitisation on the transformation of the labour market, a point also agreed on by the European Commission.


The Council adopted conclusions on a number of health related items, including:

An EU strategy on the reduction of alcohol-related harm: the Council invited the Commission to adopt a comprehensive EU strategy dedicated to the reduction of alcohol-related harm by the end of 2016. This strategy should tackle health, social and economic consequences of the harmful use of alcohol and focus on initiatives with a cross-border dimension. The Council called upon member states and the Commission to consider the possibility of introducing mandatory labelling of ingredients and nutrition declaration, in particular of the energy value, of alcohol beverages.

"To act against the harmful use of alcohol is our duty", said Lydia Mutsch, Minister for Health of Luxembourg and President of the Council, adding: "The Luxembourg presidency wholeheartedly backs the calls of ministers for health, but also of the European Parliament, for a new EU alcohol strategy".

"To act against the harmful use of alcohol is our duty"

Lydia Mutsch, minister for Health of Luxembourg and President of the Council

Supporting people living with dementia: the Council invited the member states to address dementia as a priority. It called for appropriate treatment and assistance to people living with dementia, their families and caregivers, while ensuring the financial sustainability of healthcare systems. It invited the member states and the Commission to take forward the discussions at EU level on issues such as the use of new technologies and the promotion of the empowerment and rights of people living with dementia to ensure healthy ageing in dignity.

"Dementia is a real socio-economic challenge that puts not only patients and their families, but also the viability of our health systems to a serious test. That is the reason why we addressed dementia as a societal phenomenon that requires multisectoral responses", said Lydia Mutsch.


Social affairs



Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council: Other meetings






Last reviewed on 07/12/2015




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