Greece takes three new actions to address the refugee crisis

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 4 december 2015.

To better address the refugee crisis, Greece activates the EU Civil protection mechanism, agrees a Frontex operation at the border with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and triggers the Rapid Border Intervention Team mechanism.

Over 50,000 migrants have arrived in Greece since 1 November. Commission's teams have been working hand in hand with the Greek authorities for months to assist them in this challenge.

Greece has now taken three new actions to address the refugee crisis.

  • Greece has activated the EU Civil Protection Mechanism to benefit from material support - such as tents, generators, beds, sanitary equipment and emergency first aid kits - to help cope with the influx of refugees and asylum seekers in the country.
  • Greece has agreed on a new Frontex operation at its border with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. This will allow for FRONTEX to assist with the registration of migrants. The deployment of additional officers will begin next week.

Greece has requested the deployment a Rapid Border Intervention Team (RABIT) operation to provide immediate border guard support at its external border in the Aegean islands.