EP President Schulz promises to help protect Christians wherever possible

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 1 december 2015, 18:43.

A high-level conference on inter-faith dialogue and the situation of Christians around the world takes place on Tuesday, at Parliament, organised by Antonio Tajani i, vice-president of Parliament, and attended by President Martin Schulz i. MEPs and experts from a number of countries will focus on the persecution of Christians around the globe and discuss specific proposals for action.

Mr Tajani, who is responsible, as vice-president, for inter-religious dialogue, said: "Every month at least 200 churches or places of worship are attacked. Every day, in every region of our planet, we register new cases of systematic violence and persecution against Christians. No other religious community is faced with such hatred, violence and aggression as is the Christian community."

Mr Schulz will draw the conclusions of the debate, with Frans Timmermans i, First Vice-President of the Commission. The meeting, which is held under Article 17 of the EU Treaty, on inter-religious dialogue, will also feature contributions by Anthony L. Gardner, US ambassador to the EU, Andrea Riccardi, from the Community of Saint'Egidio, Dr Paul Bhatti from Pakistan and Ms Helene Berhane from Eritrea, who will sing a gospel song before the closing remarks.

The conference will take place from 09.15 to 12.30 on Tuesday, 1 December, in room 6B001, Paul-Henri Spaak building, Brussels.

Full programme of the event.

REF. : 20151130IPR05454