European Commission to increase humanitarian support to education for children in emergencies

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 25 november 2015.

The European Commission is set to increase in 2016 its humanitarian funding for education in emergencies to 4% of the EU's overall humanitarian budget. The commitment was championed earlier this year by EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides i, and has now found strong support from the European Parliament and EU Member States.

"Investing in children today is an investment in the future tomorrow. This is why education in emergency situations is my priority. Increasing humanitarian funding in this area will bring real results for children and their families who find themselves in emergency situations, from those in Syrian refugee camps to children affected by Ebola in West Africa. No child should be left behind; education is key to ensure that all girls and boys have a chance at a bright future," said EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides.

Increasing funding for education in emergencies to 4% will quadruple the current allocation from the EU's humanitarian aid budget. The proposed increase has been made possible by last week's agreement of the budgetary authorities to add €26 million to the 2016 humanitarian budget for this vastly underfunded area in humanitarian aid.


Education in emergencies is one of the most underfunded areas in humanitarian aid worldwide, with almost two thirds of the needs currently unfunded.

Currently, the Commission is supporting projects to help girls and boys get access to education in crisis situations within the context of the EU Children of Peace initiative. The initiative was created in 2012. To date, the Commission has allocated more than €23 million for these projects, including the contributions of €500 000 from Luxembourg and €250 000 from Austria in 2014. More than 1.5 million children in 26 countries have benefited from it so far.

For more information

Factsheet on EU Children of Peace initiative

Factsheet on children in emergencies


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