EU local leaders commit themselves to intensify fight against radicalisation

Met dank overgenomen van Comité van de Regio's (CvdR) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 19 november 2015.

In response to the terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday, 13 November, political leaders from regional and local governments across the European Union have decided to step up cooperation and coordination to reduce radicalisation.

On 17 November the commission on citizenship, governance and external affairs (CIVEX) of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) decided to draw up a eport on the fight against radicalisation in EU regions and cities. This opinion would contribute to the EU political debate on how to address the challenge of radicalisation.

François Decoster (France / Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe), the CIVEX Chairman, said: “This is a war that extends beyond our national orders, and which was organised well beyond Europe’s borders. We will fight this war with our weapons of choice: liberté, égalité and fraternité. These are weapons that have crossed borders, overturned tyrants, and saved men. These are also the weapons that will protect us now. 

CIVEX members from all political groups backed the decision. The proposed rapporteur is Bart Somers, a Belgian member of the liberal ALDE group.

Mr Somers said: “As rapporteur, I will invite those cities with successful policies to contact me so we can build upon good practices that already exist in everal places in Europe. 

The CoR report will aim to develop the contribution that local and regional authorities can make to preventing violent radicalisation and will spell out, ased on experience across Europe, how different levels of government can complement each other’s efforts. The opinion will build on the CoR's experience as a member of the EU-wide Radicalisation Awareness Network, which was created in 2011, and where the CoR has worked closely with the European Commission. The fight against radicalisation will be also on the agenda of the next CoR plenary session on 3-4 December, where members will take part in a political debate with representatives of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe.


Andrew Gardner

Tel.: +32 (0)473 843 981