Eurogroup statement on Greece

Met dank overgenomen van Eurogroep i, gepubliceerd op maandag 23 november 2015.

On the basis of a final compliance notice from the institutions, the Eurogroup Working Group (EWG i) agreed that the Greek authorities have now completed the first set of milestones and the financial sector measures that are essential for a successful recapitalisation process. This is good news. Intense work at all levels has paid off. I thank all involved for reaching this important result. It allows us to move forward with programme implementation and contributes to restoring confidence in the Greek economy. The agreement paves the way for the formal approval by the ESM Board of Directors on Monday 23 November for disbursing the €2 billion sub-tranche linked to the first set of milestones. Furthermore this, following the relevant state aid decisions, makes subsequent case-by-case decisions possible of the ESM Board of Directors on the transfer to the HFSF of the funds needed for the recapitalisation of the Greek banking sector out of the €10 billion earmarked for this purpose.