Video European Parliament agenda: Paris attacks, Tax rulings & Child poverty

Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 20 november 2015.

Jennifer Baker is joined by Utta Tuttlies, spokesperson for the S&D Group, to discuss the group’s agenda for this Plenary session. MEPs will hold a key debate on Wednesday 25 November to address the consequences of the horrendous attacks in Paris. MEPs are to discuss the aftermath of the special JHA Council convened on 20 November and will vote on the so-called Dati report destined to prevent radicalisation and recruitment of young Europeans. Still on Wednesday, MEPs will vote on a resolution to tackle aggressive corporate tax planning and tax evasion. Finally, S&D Group calls for a European Child Guarantee to lift children out of poverty. The proposal will be put to a crucial vote today in Strasbourg.