Emissies van wegvoertuigen: onderhandelingen over herziening wetgeving gaan verder

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 19 november 2015.

On 19 November 2015, the presidency of the Council i and the European  iParliament held a second negotiating meeting on a review of current legislation for the reduction of emissions from road vehicles.

One of the few outstanding issues is the procedure for future decisions on real driving emission tests, specifically related to the conformity factor (ratio between the limit for a pollutant as measured in the test and the regulatory limit for that pollutant).

The Council is proposing to guarantee the full involvement of both co-legislators (the Council and the European Parliament) to replace the existing procedure, which only provides them with a right to veto a proposal voted by a Commission technical committee. However, this issue will need to be discussed further, possibly in a next trilogue meeting.

The new piece of legislation would amend both the regulation for light-duty vehicles (Euro 5/6) and the one for heavy-duty vehicles (Euro VI).

Commission proposal to review the regulations on emissions from road vehicles

Regulation on light-duty vehicles (to be amended), 2007

Regulation on heavy-duty vehicles (to be amended), 2009