EU deployed election observation mission to Myanmar

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 17 november 2015.

The 2015 general elections were considered a historic milestone for the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. After decades of military rule, citizens had for the first time a real choice between different candidates and parties. And it was also the first time that the European Union sent an Election Observation Mission ( EU EOM) to the Southeast-Asian country. Following an invitation by the Union Election Commission the EU deployed - with Alexander Graf Lambsdorff i as Chief Observer - about 150 observers throughout the country. This was the largest international mission for the polls on 8 November.

The 2015 general elections were considered a historic milestone for the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. After decades of military rule, citizens had for the first time a real choice between different candidates and parties. And it was also the first time that the European Union sent an Election Observation Mission ( EU EOM) to the Southeast-Asian country. Following an invitation by the Union Election Commission the EU deployed - with Alexander Graf Lambsdorff as Chief Observer - about 150 observers throughout the country. This was the largest international mission for the polls on 8 November.

“The Mission underscores the EU's support for Myanmar's democratic transition and its commitment to supporting credible, transparent and inclusive elections in the country”, stated Federica Mogherini i, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission (HRVP) at the launch of the EU EOM.

The nine member core team arrived in Yangon on 26 September, followed by 30 long-term observers on 7 October. Shortly before the polls 62 short-term observers, a seven member delegation of the European Parliament and EU diplomats joined the mission. The observers came from all 28 EU Member States, Canada, Norway and Switzerland.

The EU EOM analyses all aspects of the elections including the legal provisions, the election administration, political freedoms and dynamics, and the performance of the media.

A preliminary statement

alttekst ontbreekt in origineel bericht
was issued two days after election day. A final report with recommendations will follow at a later stage.



Election Observation,
