Video Juncker Commission: Special EU Tweets of the Week

Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op donderdag 5 november 2015.

Alice’s adventures in Wonderland inspired our special edition of Tweets of the Week to celebrate the first year of Team Juncker. Tumble with us down the EU rabbit hole and behold Juncker’s Adventures in Euroland.

  • Chapter 1: Up to the 13th floor
  • Chapter 2: The pool of taxes
  • Chapter 3: A digital race and a big mouth
  • Chapter 4: Juncker sends the bill
  • Chapter 5: Advice from Frans
  • Chapter 6: Meet & Greet
  • Chapter 7: The mad TTIP party
  • Chapter 8: The GREXIT’s croquet ground
  • Chapter 9: The fences story
  • Chapter 10: Jean-Claude’s Junckerland