EU will support Peace Process in Colombia with Special Envoy Eamon Gilmore

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 4 november 2015.

High Representative Mogherini i met with Eamon Gilmore, the new EU Special Envoy for the peace process in Colombia. She appointed him to provide support in a crucial moment: the two sides have recently reached a ground-breaking agreement on transitional justice.

"I am confident that a final agreement can be concluded by the end of March, as announced by President Santos" said Mogherini. "The peace process has been one of the priorities since the beginning of my mandate a year ago. Over the past twelve months I met President Santos on several occasions and it is with his full agreement that I decided to entrust Mr. Gilmore with this mission. With his experience as Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ireland from 2011 to 2014 and his personal involvement in the peace process in Northern Ireland, Mr. Gilmore is the right person for this job and I am pleased that he accepted to take on this challenging commitment."

Mr. Gilmore will start working immediately and will make his first visit to Colombia already next week. He will convey the political support of the EU for the peace process, especially in the implementation phase. He will work with the Colombian Government and other stakeholders in Colombia, and with EU Member States and the European Parliament. The EU and Member states must present a coherent and well-coordinated response to this historic occasion.

