President Schulz to visit Greece on migration crisis

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 3 november 2015, 16:40.

On Wednesday and Thursday European  iParliament President Martin Schulz i will travel to Athens and Lesbos to discuss the migration crisis and will be present for the departure of the first relocated refugees from Greece.

On Wednesday morning President Schulz will join Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras i, the Commissioner for Migration and Home Affairs Dimitris Avramopoulos i and the Foreign Minister of Luxembourg Jean Asselborn at the departure of the first relocated refugees from Greece. Afterwards, the four will hold a meeting at Maximos Mansion to discuss refugee and migration issues.

President Schulz will also have a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Tsipras at Maximos Mansion followed by press statements.

On Thursday, President Schulz and Prime Minister Tsipras will travel jointly to Lesbos to visit the refugee registration and identification centre.

A more detailed programme will be available later.

REF. : 20151103IPR01052

Updated: ( 03-11-2015 - 16:58)