EU-SADC Ministerial dialogue

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 29 oktober 2015.

The 2015 EU-SADC Ministerial dialogue took place 27th October in Luxembourg. The SADC (Southern African Development Community) comprises 15 countries[1] in Southern Africa, a region praised for its continued stability and economic growth.

The Luxembourg Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jean Asselborn, co-chaired the Ministerial on the EU side and SADC was represented by the Botswana Minister of Finance, Kenneth Matambo, and Mozambique Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Mrs Nyeleti Mondlane. SADC Executive Secretary, Dr Tax was also present.

Ministers from both sides underlined their common objective of sustainable inclusive growth, and noted that their respective agendas to achieve this are overlapping in many areas. A Joint Communiqué committed the EU and SADC to further develop the potential for enhanced cooperation, in a more reciprocal way, built on shared and mutual interests.

As such, the Parties discussed ways to streamline cooperation towards a development-focussed implementation of the Economic Partnership Agreements, consistent with SADC regional integration agenda.

Ministers also agreed to reinforce their partnership for promoting peace and security, including support to Member States facing political challenges, such as Lesotho, DRC and Madagascar.

The Ministers also exchanged views on global challenges and agreed to continue the dialogue on regional and international matters, notably migration and climate change.

On the way forward, it was agreed to organize a number of technical level meeting points in 2016, in areas such as EPA implementation plans, industrialization, infrastructure, jobs and wealth creation, economic governance, migration, food security and peace and security.

On the eve of the Ministerial, the HRVP Federica Mogherini i exchanged views with SADC Ministers on subjects of mutual interest. This was followed by the signing ceremony of the Angola National Indicative Programme under the 11th EDF, by Development Commissioner Mimica and the Angolan Minister of Plan Mr. Job Graça. The National Indicative Programme amounts to EUR 210 Mln which will be allocated in the areas of agriculture, education and water / sanitation.

The afternoon following the Ministerial meeting was devoted to a visit to the EIB, where SADC delegates, were warmly welcomed by lunch and extensive presentations on private sector development, as the region is increasingly using private sector investment and trade to generate economic prosperity.

[1] RDC, Angola, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, Swaziland, Lesotho, South Africa, Mauritius, Seychelles, Madagascar
