Video The EU ETS in 2030: how will it look like? | LIVE PANEL DEBATE

Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op donderdag 29 oktober 2015.

  • Debate “The EU ETS in 2030: how will it look like?” on Tuesday 10 November at 1pm CET - watch LIVE Streaming here

On 15 July, the European Commission unveiled its long-awaited proposals for a structural reform of the EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) for after 2020. The proposals pleased no one: energy-intensive industries criticised the declining pot of free carbon allowances, while NGOs condemned the lack of ambition.

A fierce fight lies ahead. In September, MEP Ian Duncan i, a Scotsman from the ECR Group, was appointed rapporteur and the Luxembourg EU presidency presented the plans to member states. Environment ministers will debate them at the next EU environment council on 26 October. Duncan envisages getting stuck into the meat of the debate early next year, after COP21 in Paris in December. Next year the European Commission is also due to present proposals for reducing non-ETS emissions and many expect the two sets of plans to be negotiated as a package.

Ahead of these negotiations, policymakers are getting their heads round all the options on the table. The Commission expects lots of ideas from MEPs and member states on how to take the reform forward. The bottom line is: can the EU ETS reclaim its place at the heart of EU climate policy?

What will the EU ETS look like in 2030? Will the proposals deliver the “robust” carbon price that Europe needs to drive forward climate action? How should a deal in Paris impact EU ETS reform? Can the proposals stem the tide for national market interventions? How can they be reconciled with those interventions to date? Is EU ETS reform the most significant industrial policy decision the Juncker Commission i will take in its mandate?

The Panellists

Yvon Slingenberg

Senior Advisor ‘Implementation of the EU ETS’ in the Directorate General for

Climate Action of the European Commission

Yvon Slingenberg is Head of Unit “Implementation of the EU ETS” in the Directorate General for Climate Action of the European Commission. The unit is in charge of implementing the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, including auctioning, market oversight, the registry, cap setting and other issues related to overall ETS implementation, as well as of ETS reform (backloading, Market Stability Reserve, role of the ETS in the 2030 climate and energy framework). Yvon was responsible for the negotiations on the 2020 climate & energy package, and steered the adoption of all implementing measures for phase 3 (2013-2020) of the revised ETS. Yvon is a lawyer of Dutch nationality with a degree in international law (specialisation in environmental law) from the University of Amsterdam

Ian Duncan MEP, ECR Group

Rapporteur for the ETS reform Directive ‘Enhancing cost-effective emission

reductions and low carbon investments’

Ian Duncan was for seven years the Head of the Scottish Parliament’s European Office in Brussels, responsible for relations between the Holyrood Parliament and the EU institutions. He later served as European Advisor to the Parliament and Clerk to the European & External Relations Committee. He resigned his position in February 2013 to seek the election to the European Parliament. He is the Vice-Chair of the Delegation for relations with the countries of South Asia (DSAS) and an active member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) since 2014 and appointed rapporteur for the ETS reform Directive ‘Enhancing cost-effective emission reductions and low carbon investments’.

Prior to joining the Scottish Parliament, Ian held a number of high profile public affairs positions in Scotland, including Secretary of the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation and Head of Policy & Communications with the Scottish Refugee Council. Ian began his career as a researcher with BP focusing upon Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Republics. Ian holds a first class honours degree in geology from St Andrews University and a doctorate from Bristol University. He is a Fellow of the Geological Society.

Axel Eggert

Director General, Eurofer

Axel Eggert joined the European Steel Association (EUROFER) in November 2007 as a Director of Public Affairs. He has been Director General since November 2014. Mr Eggert began his career in Brussels in 1998, eventually becoming an adviser at the EU Representation of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate. From 1999 to 2007, he was political adviser and head of office to a Member of the European Parliament. A German national, Mr Eggert holds Master degrees in Modern History, Economics and Law from the University of Darmstadt (Germany) and the State University of New York at Buffalo (USA).

Moderated by leading Environment journalist Sonja van Renssen