Three new Deputy Secretaries-General for the Juncker Commission

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 27 oktober 2015.

Based on a proposal by President Juncker, the European Commission has today decided to appoint Ilze Juhansone (as of 16 November 2015), Paraskevi Michou and Jean-Eric Paquet (both as of 1 November 2015) as Deputy Secretaries-General. Together with the nomination of Alexander Italianer as Secretary-General as of 1 September 2015, these appointments ensure a strong and diverse leadership team at the helm of the Secretariat-General.

Presenting today's decision, President Jean-Claude Juncker i said: "The Secretariat-General plays a pivotal role in the newly organised political Commission - which is all about delivery and team-work. Together with Alexander Italianer, there is now an exceptionally strong team with broad experience in all key EU policy areas in place. I very much look forward to working with them closely."

All three appointees combine extensive expertise, talent and highly relevant experience - coming from both within and outside the Commission.

Ambassador Juhansone has been dealing with EU matters for many years. She is currently the Permanent Representative of Latvia to the European Union, after having held senior positions - with strong exposure to EU policies - in the Latvian Foreign Affairs and Justice ministries, respectively. She chaired the Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER II) the Latvian Presidency of the Council in the first half of 2015. Ambassador Juhansone also has a strong policy background in the field of justice. Joining the Commission from outside, she will also be able to bring a fresh perspective to this position.

Ms Michou has been Acting Director-General of DG Justice and Consumers for more than one year, thus gaining top-level management experience. Previously, Ms Michou worked in several departments, including middle and senior management positions, notably in policy fields related to the internal market and telecoms regulation. The breadth of her experience across the Commission makes her ideally suited for her new position.

Likewise, Mr Paquet, currently Director for the Western Balkans in DG Neighbourhood and enlargement negotiations, will be building on a distinguished and varied career at the European Commission, in middle and senior management, as a member of Cabinet and as a Head of Delegation. Mr Paquet combines a strong policy background - including in research and transport policies - with valuable experience across a number of departments, upon which he will be able to draw in his new position.

The three positions of Deputy Secretaries-General had become vacant following the promotion of the previous job-holders to the positions of Director-General.

(Translations of this press release in FR, DE, EL and LV will be available shortly.)


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