EU Commission increases co-financing for assistance via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 27 oktober 2015.

"This new decision will help countries offering assistance via the Civil Protection Mechanism to get support to those facing an increasing influx of refugees and asylum seekers. So far, a few Member States have shown generosity in this time of need. But more need to come forward and offer support," said EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides i.

Serbia, Slovenia and most recently Croatia have activated the mechanism in recent weeks for material support such as tents, blankets, sanitary equipment and other essentials to help refugees this winter.


The EU Civil Protection Mechanism can be activated by a Member State and countries outside the EU if they feel overwhelmed by a crisis. The Mechanism can mobilise various types of in-kind assistance, including modules (teams and equipment), shelter, medical supplies and other non-food items, as well as expertise. Participating States provide the assistance, and the Commission can co-finance the transport of relief items and experts to the country in question.

The EU Civil Protection Mechanism facilitates the cooperation in emergency response among 33 European states (28 EU Member States, Iceland, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia). Turkey has recently signed the agreement to officially join the Mechanism.

To respond to the urgent needs caused by an unprecedented inflow of refugees and migrants, the EU Civil Protection Mechanism has been activated by four countries so far this year.

The mechanism was activated by Hungary (request for assistance met) and Serbia in September. Slovenia and Croatia activated the mechanism in October.

For more information

Factsheet on the EU Civil Protection Mechanism:


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