High Representative Mogherini takes part in Quartet meeting on Middle East Peace Process

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 23 oktober 2015.

Federica Mogherini i today met in Berlin with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu i, US Secretary of State John Kerry i and German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, in a concerted effort to ease the tensions in the Middle East. The High Representative/Vice President also plans to meet Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Monday in Brussels. She will travel to Vienna tomorrow for a Quartet Principles’ meeting on the Middle East Peace Process and some bilateral meetings.

Today’s talks follow the recent escalation of inter-communal tension in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza, and the continuing spiral of violence in Syria.

“I will be in Vienna with Kerry and Lavrov and the special envoy of the UN Secretary General to coordinate messages, to pass a strong message to the parties to calm down the situation on the ground, to tackle the situation of the holy sites seriously and with restraint, to de-escalate also the rhetoric and to try to start implementation on the ground of some positive steps that could lead to more confidence building,” Federica Mogherini said, following her meeting with Minister Steinmeier. Discussions also centred on the ongoing Syrian crisis. The High Representative called for all parties to “push in the same direction, which means opening the political transition, opening the political process and trying to find diplomatic solutions to the crisis.”

She also discussed with her German counterpart recent developments on the migration and refugee crisis, including next Sunday's EU meeting, her visit to Addis Ababa and preparations for the Valletta Summit on 11/12 November.



More info

Remarks by the High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini following the meeting with Frank-Walter Steinmeier, German Foreign Minister: http://eeas.europa.eu/statements-eeas/2015/151022_03_en.htm

The EU and the Middle East Peace Process: http://www.eeas.europa.eu/mepp/index_en.htm



Mediterranean & Middle East,

Middle East Peace Process,

Occupied Palestinian Territory