Election Observation Mission to Haiti

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 16 oktober 2015.

At the invitation of the Haitian government, the European Union (EU) has deployed an Election Observation Mission (EU EOM) to observe the 2015 general elections in the Republic of Haiti. The EU EOM is led by the Chief Observer, Elena Valenciano i, Member of the European Parliament.

At the invitation of the Haitian government, the European Union (EU) has deployed an Election Observation Mission (EU EOM) to observe the 2015 general elections in the Republic of Haiti. The EU EOM is led by the Chief Observer, Elena Valenciano, Member of the European Parliament.

In total, the EU EOM to Haiti deployed 60 observers for the Parliament and Senate elections. The mission assessed all aspects of the elections including the legal provisions, the performance of the election administration, the respect of the political freedoms, the performance of the media, the polling and counting procedures and the resolution of electoral complaints and appeals.

The EU EOM is the only international observation mission remaining in Haiti until the end of the entire electoral process. A second tour of the Parliamentary elections and the first round of the Presidential, comunal and municipal elections is scheduled for 25 October 2015. An eventual second round of the Presidential elections will take place on 27 Decembre 2015, together with the local elections.

The reports published so far by the EU EOM to Haiti are available at: www.eueom.eu/haiti2015


Election Observation,


Latin America and Caribbean