Speech: Remarks by Commissioner Avramopoulos in Athens

Met dank overgenomen van D. (Dimitris) Avramopoulos i, gepubliceerd op zaterdag 10 oktober 2015.

We are here together with my good friend Jean Asselborn, currently presiding over the European Council of Interior Ministers which is responsible for dealing with the refugee crisis and the migration issue, for an important mission that began the other day in Luxembourg to lead us yesterday to Rome for the first relocation programme that had a symbolic but also a substantial character, to Lampedusa in the evening and today in Athens for important meetings with all members of the Greek government directly or indirectly involved in the management of the refugee crisis, coordinated by the Minister of State Mr. Flambouraris.

I would also like to begin with by highlighting the constructive and useful role of the Minister for Migration, Mr. Mouzalas, throughout his mandate, as all the preparatory work that has been done at this stage takes a more concrete form regarding the implementation of the programme for Greece.

We all now recognise that the issue is European. Europe stands by Greece. We have said this before. But now it is even more essential and more necessary. Greece is not abandoned to the mercy of this situation which it has been confronted with during all this time or which could have been avoided if the «hotspots» had been set up and running earlier. The «hotspots» are neither detention nor reception centers. They are support teams of EU agencies such as FRONTEX, EASO, EUROPOL and EUROJUST, to fully protect basic human rights and in cooperation with national authorities. Yesterday we saw in Italy with Mr. Asselborn the first «hotspot» functioning in Lampedusa.

Today, following this significant meetings which took place and delivered important conclusions, we now move forward even more rapidly. Both on the issue of infrastructure and reception planning but also on another important issue, that of funding for Greece. Already 33 million euro have been disbursed and the rest of the funding will follow alongside the implementation of what we have agreed.

You are all aware of the refugee and migration issue. It is testing the European institutions as well as European cohesion, solidarity and responsibility - basic principles with which Europe can move forward and address the issue.

Greece is not alone. Europe is by its side and this is symbolized by the common presence today of the President of the Council of Interior Ministers, one of the three main EU institutions, and the Commission through my own presence.

The steps taken so far were in the right direction. Today very important decisions have been taken, we are moving very quickly, and I trust that soon, as the government is committed to roll out the first hotspot in Mytilene, but also in other places where there is an increased influx of refugees. Because as you know, in the case of Greece, 80% are refugees: those who are entitled, in line with UN principles, to international protection. Greece is a country of which the people have hospitality in their DNA. It is obliged to assume its part of responsibility, adapting and implementing Europe's policies for the protection of the European borders.

I am more optimistic now, following these meetings today, that everything is moving very fast.


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