Eastern Mediterranean - Western Balkans Route

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 9 oktober 2015.

Renewed diplomatic efforts to tackle the Syria crisis and more financial and practical support for Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey as well as transit countries in the Western Balkans, These were the results of a conference held in Luxembourg on 8 October. It brought together EU countries and institutions, representatives of non-EU countries and international organisations. The high-Level Conference "Eastern Mediterranean - Western Balkans Route" was the most wide-raging yet on the crisis.

The refugee crisis is placing most affected countries under severe pressure, with serious humanitarian consequences. It also poses significant challenges to border management and asylum systems, as well as security challenges.

Speaking to the press afterwards, EU High Representative Federica Mogherini i, who co-chaired the meeting along with Luxembourg Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn, said it was a good example of effective international teamwork and "working together helps us understand better the problems and identify the solutions we can put in place together."

Stepping up diplomatic efforts to tackle war in Syria

The conference decided to work together to address the root causes of the refugee crisis starting mainly with Syria. They pledged to fully support United Nations Secretary General Special Envoy's efforts to reach a political solution to the conflict in Syria, which would include a safe return of refugees and internally displaced persons. High Representative Mogherini said that EU Foreign Ministers would discuss the political track in Syria when they meet Monday.

International efforts would also include support to development of Afghanistan´s institutions "to provide the resilience needed for the building of an effective and ultimately sustainable Afghan State" and more "support for the Iraqi Government with a view to achieving inclusiveness, national reconciliation and long-term peace, stability and unity."

Support to countries around Syria - Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon

The declaration after the meeting stressed the importance of support for partners and increasing the engagement of the broader international community. It went on to say that "Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey are at the forefront of efforts. We commend them for their generosity in hosting and addressing the needs of over 4 million Syrian refugees."

In particular it stressed the mobilise increased development support to host governments and host communities, ensure that persons in need of international protection receive the necessary information and more access the education and the labour market.

Helping transit countries in the Western Balkans

The countries in the Western Balkans where refugees are transiting are also under enormous pressure. In response the meeting promised to provide immediate first line principled humanitarian assistance, such as food, shelter, health care, psycho-social support, protection, water and sanitation, to refugees, asylum seekers and migrants transiting.

It will also enhance reception and accommodation facilities, as required, to ensure that refugees and migrants are received in a dignified manner and are provided with the necessary information referral and assistance, including legal assistance, to get registration and access to basic services and tailored support to the most vulnerable.

Extra money and wider scope for EU Trust Fund

In terms of the way forward the participants committed themselves to further engaging the broader international community in an effort to find a political solution to the Syrian conflict nd enhance financial support as well as resettlement opportunities and other forms of humanitarian admission, to address the refugee crisis.

They also recommend of the United Nations and its relevant agencies, funds and programmes, other international organisations, non-governmental organisations and civil society in supporting these efforts and we therefore commit to reinforce our cooperation and partnership with them.

In term of specific EU support it will support these efforts through more financial and technical support. It will also increase humanitarian funding in Syria, as well as looking at extending the scope of the EU Trust fund for Syria to the Western Balkans.

Speaking to journalists after the conference the High Representative said "we have to be sure that we do not forget other routes. And this is why it is important the summit we will have in Valletta in Malta in the beginning of November on the Central Mediterranean route."

