EU-Turkey: Draft Action Plan on support of refugees and migration management

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 6 oktober 2015.

President Juncker handed over to the Turkish President Erdoğan a Draft Action Plan for stepping up cooperation between the EU and Turkey on support of refugees and migration management. Work is ongoing to reach agreement on the details.

President Erdoğan and President Juncker

Yesterday (5 October 2015) European Commission President Juncker handed over a Draft Action Plan on support of refugees and migration management to President Erdoğan during the latter's visit to Brussels.

The Draft Action Plan identifies a series of actions to be implemented as a matter of urgency by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. The objective is to assist Turkey in managing the situation of a very large influx of refugees and preventing irregular migratory flows from Turkey to the EU.

As President Juncker said in the European Parliament this morning: “The EU stands ready to further step up help for Turkey to improve reception facilities for refugees and improve their wellbeing. In the refugee crisis, Turkey and the EU walk together and work together.”

The Draft Action Plan tries to address the current crisis situation in two ways: by supporting the refugees and their host communities in Turkey (Part I) and by strengthening cooperation to prevent irregular migration flows to the EU (Part II).

As President Juncker announced this morning in the European Parliament, the Draft Action Plan - as handed over to President Erdoğan - has been published at 15.00 CET today.

After yesterday's agreement in principle, the details of the Draft Action Plan now need to be agreed between the two sides.

The implementation of the Action Plan will contribute to accelerate the visa liberalisation process, something that both leaders also agreed yesterday.