Verklaring van hoge vertegenwoordiger Federica Mogherini, namens de Europese Unie, ter ondersteuning van de hervormingsinspanningen van de Iraakse regering

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 5 oktober 2015.

The fragility of the situation in the Middle East, and particularly of those countries facing the threat of violent extremism from ISIL/Da'esh, has been a major theme of the 70th UN General Assembly meeting in New York this month. Iraq is one of the countries on the front line of that struggle and deserves the support of the international community. As I expressed in my meeting with Foreign Minister al-Jaafari in New York on 26 September, the EU strongly supports the democratically-elected Iraqi Government, led by Prime Minister al-Abadi. The EU welcomes the Iraqi government's commitment to its September 2014 programme which seeks to deliver inclusive governance, meaningful national reconciliation and genuine political reform. The EU also strongly supports the August 2015 reform package announced by the Iraqi government which aims to tackle corruption, improve the delivery of services to citizens and thus boost overall governance.

The EU calls on all actors of Iraqi society to lend their support to these reforms and their implementation. This is essential for political, economic and social progress in the whole of Iraq and will help promote a better life for all Iraqis. A stronger and united Iraq will increase the effectiveness of the fight against ISIL/Da'esh.

Reform can be challenging and the EU commends the Iraqi government's courage in adopting these measures. The EU therefore expresses its continued commitment to using all its available instruments and working closely with the Iraqi partners. These include EU support to stabilisation of areas liberated from ISIL/Da'esh, support for improvements in the rule of law, counter-terrorism cooperation, reconciliation and peacebuilding measures.

In parallel, the EU and its Member States remain committed to making the best possible use of the EU-Iraq Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, in order to provide long-term assistance and improve Iraq's governance and economic and social development. The EU reiterates its firm support for Iraq's unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and calls on all countries in the region to support the Iraqi government in its efforts to promote reconciliation and restore long-lasting peace and stability in Iraq.