EU welcomes adoption of 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development by the UN

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 28 september 2015.

The United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development at a special summit on 25 September.

The EU has been a leader in contributing to this process from the start. It is now committed to take this agenda forward, both inside the EU (such as through forthcoming EU initiatives like, inter alia, the Circular Economy Strategy which is designed to address more sustainable patterns of production and consumption) and through the EU's external policies by supporting implementation efforts in other countries, in particular those most in need.

Ahead of the summit, First Vice-President Frans Timmermans i, responsible for sustainable development and leading the Commission delegation on behalf of President Juncker, said: "This Agreement is a historic event, and a significant step forward for global action on sustainable development. I am proud to say that from the start, the EU has been strongly committed to reaching an ambitious outcome, with a universal agenda for all countries, rich and poor alike, fully integrating the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainability. The result is a landmark achievement uniting the whole world around common goals for a more sustainable future. We are determined to implement the 2030 Agenda which will shape our internal and external policies, ensuring the EU plays its full part".

The 2030 Agenda sets out a global framework to eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable development by 2030, building on the Millennium Development Goals(MDGs) adopted in 2000. As the first ever global agreement setting a universal, comprehensive agenda for action, the 2030 Agenda includes an ambitious set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 associated targets, mobilising all countries and stakeholders towards their achievement and affecting domestic policies. The 2030 Agenda also includes the United Nations Addis Ababa Action Agenda

alttekst ontbreekt in origineel bericht
adopted in July which sets out the different means necessary to implement the 2030 Agenda, including domestic resources, private finance and Official Development Assistance (ODA).


Press Release : European Commission welcomes new 2030 United Nations Agenda for Sustainable Development

Factsheet on what the EU achieved in the MDGs

Factsheet on the SDGs and post-2015 development agenda

Brochure on the EU's contribution to the Millennium Development Goals (key results from European Commission programmes):EN; FR; ES; DE

Brochure on Financing Global Sustainable Development after 2015: Illustrations of key EU contributions

Website of First Vice President Frans Timmermans

Website of Commissioner Neven Mimica

'Countdown to a historic moment for development' - blog by Commissioner Mimica

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development



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