Eastern Mediterranean - Western Balkans route conference, on 8 October 2015 in Luxembourg

Met dank overgenomen van Luxemburgs voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2015 (EU2015LU) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 25 september 2015.

On 8 October 2015 in Luxembourg will take place the High level Conference on the Eastern Mediterranean - Western Balkans Route.

Jean Asselborn, minister for Foreign and European Affairs, minister for Immigration and Asylum, and Federica Mogherini i, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Vice-President of the Commission, convened this meeting, in order to discuss with all relevant partners the importance of this route in the increased migratory flows coming from the Middle East.

In order to have a comprehensive approach on the issue, it will be a joint meeting of Ministers for Home Affairs (responsible for migration and asylum) and of Ministers for Foreign Affairs, together with their counterparts from Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan, as well as from the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYROM, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia). Associated countries (Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Iceland) are also invited.

Representatives of UNHCR, International Organization for Migration i, World Food Program, as well as of Frontex and EASO, will be invited to present the situation on the ground.

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