EP this week: Draghi, taxes, migration

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 21 september 2015, 11:52.

The European Commission's latest proposals to solve the refugee crisis will be discussed by the civil liberties committee this week, while the economic affairs committee will question Mario Draghi i, president of the European Central Bank, on the state of the euro zone i. In addition the tax rulings committee will discuss tax policies with the finance ministers of Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Luxembourg.

The economic affairs committee's quarterly monetary dialogue with Draghi takes place on Wednesday.

On Tuesday evening the special commitee for tax rulings will see Germany's Wolfgang Schäuble i, France's Michel Sapin, Italy's Pier Carlo Padoan and Spain's Luis de Guindos along with Pierre Gramegna of Luxembourg, currently holding the presidency of the EU Council, to discuss their countries' taxation policies and the Commission's tax transparency and corporate taxation proposals.

The Commission's new proposals to address the migration and refugee crisis, including a permanent mechanism for relocating asylum seekers within the EU and a common EU list of safe countries of origin, will be debated for the first time by the civil liberties committee on Tuesday. These plans will have to be approved by both Parliament and the Council before they can enter into force. After this the committee will also discuss the situation at the Schengen zone's internal borders.

The environment committee will vote on Parliament's position on the new international climate agreement on Wednesday. The resolution will be a mandate for the 15 MEPs travelling in December to the Paris climate change conference, where a new global agreement should be reached.

The international trade committee votes this Tuesday on an update of the EU's anti-torture legislation, which controls the trade in tools or substances that could be used to torture or kill people.

EP President Martin Schulz i will give a speech at the opening of the extraordinary European Council on Wednesday as head of states debate how to tackle the refugee crisis.

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REF. : 20150921STO94016