Video Refugee crisis: 'Europe should open borders to refugees. It's only humane' states Turkey’s EU ambassador

Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 18 september 2015.

taalaan("en")Europe needs to stop bickering and show leadership over the refugee crisis, Turkey’s EU ambassador says. In a frank interview with Ellie Mears, Selim Yenel calls on the EU to open its borders to migrants fleeing conflict in Syria and Iraq, saying this is the only humane response to the humanitarian crisis. Member states have still to agree on a Commission proposal to resettle 160,000 refugees across the EU - a drop in the ocean compared to the estimated two million Syrians and Iraqi refugees currently residing in Turkey. Yenel also claims that Turkey has received little financial or logistical help from Europe. taaluit