Meeting of the “High-Level Group on Gender-Mainstreaming" in Luxembourg

Met dank overgenomen van Luxemburgs voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2015 (EU2015LU) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 17 september 2015.

Lydia Mutsch, at the "High Level Group on Gender Mainstreaming" meeting in Luxembourg, on 17 September 2015

© Ministry for Equal Opportunities

In the context of the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the "High Level Group on Gender Mainstreaming" (HLG) met in Luxembourg on 17 and 18 September 2015 for its half-yearly meeting. The HLG comprises senior officials from the 28 European Union Member States which all have an extensive expertise in the field of gender equality. The meeting enabled, among other things, a review of the priorities concerning equality in the context of the declaration of the Trio of Italian, Latvian and Luxembourg Presidencies.

The subjects discussed included the equal participation of men and women in political and economic decision-making, the review of the implementation of the European Commission's 2010-2015 strategy in the field of gender equality, as well as the Commission's future approach to this subject after 2015 and the integration of the principle of "Gender Mainstreaming" into the European Union's "Europe 2020" strategy, the aim of which is to "become an intelligent, sustainable and inclusive economy" through five ambitious goals to be implemented by 2020 in the field of employment, innovation, education, social inclusion and energy.

In her welcome speech, the Luxembourg Minister for Equal Opportunities, Lydia Mutsch, recalled the priorities which the Luxembourg Presidency set itself in the field of gender equality, in particular in the field of decision-making. Furthermore, she highlighted the importance of integrating the gender dimension into the drawing up, implementation and evaluation of all policy areas.

Press release issued by the Ministry of Equal Opportunities