Parliament urges Commission to show strong leadership in 2016
A clear political vision to tackle the challenges of energy supply, climate change, transition to a digital society, job creation, migration, the rule of democracy and fundamental law should be at the core of the 2016 Commission's work programme. So say MEPs in a non-legislative resolution, voted on Wednesday, which sets out Parliament's recommendations for the European Commission’s 2016 work programme.
Parliament calls on the European Commission to set-up an ambitious work programme to meet Europe's citizen's most urgent expectations without compromising on democracy and social and environmental standards of living. Its resolution was passed by 408 votes to, 182 ,with 23 abstentions.
MEPs urge the Commission "to use its right of initiative to its full extent in order to give the Union clear leadership" on climate protection, energy independence and resource efficiency, the transition to a digital society, and the EU's role in global competition, inter alia. They call for the re-launch of the Europe 2020 strategy and swift action on the Five Presidents’ Report on Completing the Economic and Monetary Union.
"Political decisions within the democratic decision-making process should prevail over technical assessments", says the resolution, stressing that legislative and administrative simplifications must not be used as a pretext for "deregulating or lowering social and environmental standards".
Parliament also stresses the need to fight tax fraud and evasion (including an EU definition of tax havens), and reiterates its call for a comprehensive and global approach to asylum and migration policy.
Next steps
The Commission will present and disucuss with MEPs its work programme for 2016 in Stasbourg, on 29 October.
Procedure: non legislative resolution
REF. : 20150915IPR93233