Extraordinary Justice and Home Affairs Council on the refugee crisis

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 15 september 2015.

EU Interior Ministers offered their support for the comprehensive agenda the Commission put forth in May and September to address the refugee crisis. A first step forward as a Union on the refugee crisis has been taken.

A migrant passing by the make-shift shelters at day care center Jules Ferry, with the word "refugee" written on a cover used as a wall

Member States have agreed to express their solidarity with one another by deciding to relocate throughout the EU 40,000 refugees, based on the European Commission's first emergency relocation proposal of 27 May. An operational meeting will be organised this week to start implementing the relocation decision on the 40,000 in the shortest possible timeframe.

The European Commission also appreciated the willingness of the majority of Member States to move forward as soon as possible towards an agreement on relocating another 120,000 people in clear need of international protection, as proposed by the European Commission on 9 September.

Important progress was made on the other Commission's proposals. Ministers committed to reaching an agreement on the Safe Countries of Origin list in October and on the immediate and continued rolling out of the Hotspot approach in the Member States most directly concerned.

Ministers backed Commission plans to present proposals to reinforce the response capacity of the European Union at sensitive external borders and to further strengthen the role of Frontex in this respect. Ministers also agreed to increase the financial resources so that Member States facing disproportionate efforts and EU agencies confronted with a huge increase of their tasks can respond to the situation.