Conclusies van het voorzitterschap na de Raad Justitie en Binnenlandse Zaken van 14 september 2015

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 14 september 2015.

After the discussions on migration held today in the Council in the presence of Schengen associate countries, the Presidency, supported by a large majority of delegations, draws the following conclusions:

  • 1. 
    The Council has heard the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, António Guterres, and the Director General of the International Organization for Migration i, William Lacy Swing. Both have underlined the alarming situation of people massively fleeing conflict regions. Member States and the Commission have agreed to further develop resettlement possibilities.

In addition, support given by the European Union's budget and by Member States will be increased in order to help the UNHCR to respond to the needs of refugees in camps established close to their places of origin, in particular, at the present moment, in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. The Council has agreed to increase the European Union Regional Trust Fund in response to the Syrian Crisis (the Madad Fund) significantly to provide immediate ad hoc support for Syria and the neighbouring countries. As a first step, additional support will be provided immediately by the Commission through the Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Office ECHO to partners operating in origin or transit countries outside of the EU on the basis of proposals submitted by these partners. In this context, the Council has welcomed Norway's offer to host an international donors' conference to help Syrians displaced by war.

  • 2. 
    The Council has stressed that effective border control is imperative for the management of migration flows.
  • 3. 
    The Council reiterated its commitment to further strengthen ongoing operations, particularly the Frontex Joint Operations TRITON 2015 and POSEIDON 2015, as well as operation EUNAVFOR MED. The Council welcomed the announcement of the Commission to propose before the end of the year a significant strengthening of Frontex and its further development.
  • 4. 
    The Council has agreed that it is necessary to deploy without delay Frontex Rapid Border Interventions Teams to reinforce the response capacity of the European Union at sensitive external borders in consultation with the Member States concerned and in line with Frontex Regulation. Measures will be designed to support frontline and transit countries. The Council has invited Frontex, EASO and the Commission, in cooperation with relevant Member States, to implement and coordinate further actions that will help the European Union as a whole to cope with migratory pressures. Calls for contributions should be issued and Member States have agreed to respond to the requested support.
  • 5. 
    Challenges faced by Greece are European ones. In order to tackle these challenges together, the Council, in parallel to rapid and effective relocation measures, has agreed that Greece should be supported in its efforts to strengthen the reception capacities, the asylum system and the management of the external borders in full respect of human rights and safety requirements. Adequate financial resources should be made available.
  • 6. 
    The Council agreed to further support the capacities of affected Western Balkan countries to manage their borders, receive and process flows of migrants, grant protection to those entitled to it and ensure the return of those who are not in need of international protection. Available resources from the enlargement process will be prioritised, as necessary. To help affected Western Balkan countries to better cope with incoming migratory flows, additional avenues could be considered, as well as specific financial mechanisms.
  • 7. 
    As a major first reception and transit country for migrants and given its geographic position, Turkey is a main partner of the EU in the management of migratory flows. The EU will continue to engage with Turkey to jointly meet these challenges. In this context, the EU stands ready to increase cooperation with Turkey, including in the area of border management and in the fight against smuggling and trafficking in human beings.

Read the full text of the presidency conclusions