Eurogroup, 12/09/2015 - Main results

Met dank overgenomen van Eurogroep i, gepubliceerd op zondag 13 september 2015, 1:03.

Main results

Economic situation

The Eurogroup discussed the current economic situation in the euro area, following presentations by the European Commission and the European Central Bank.

The economic recovery in the euro area is expected to continue, but possibly at a somewhat slower pace than expected earlier. The anticipated slowdown is related to external factors, such as the slower growth in China and other emerging market economies.

The euro area therefore needs to continue pursuing sound fiscal policies and structural reforms to achieve balanced and sustainable growth.

Thematic discussions on growth and jobs

The Eurogroup continued the discussion on ways to reduce the high tax burden on labour in the euro area, which currently is the highest in the world.

Ministers agreed on an informal benchmarking of labour taxation in the eurozone and adopted a statement to that effect. Benchmarking will allow the member states to compare their situation to that in the other countries when adopting national policies.

Eurogroup statement on benchmarking the tax burden on labour, 12 September 2015


The Eurogroup welcomed the positive 7th review of Cyprus' ongoing economic adjustment programme. This opens the way for the approval procedures in a number of member states, after which the ESM board of governors will formally approve the disbursement of €500 million in October.

Eurogroup statement on Cyprus, 12 September 2015

Statement by the European Commission, the ECB and the IMF on Cyprus


The Eurogroup was informed about the latest developments in Greece.

It is confident that the new government, which will be formed after the general elections later this month, will work constructively with its euro area partners and the institutions to implement Greece's new economic adjustment programme, agreed in August.

Eurogroup, 14 August 2015

ESM Board of Governors approves ESM programme for Greece

See also:

Eurogroup work programme

President of the Eurogroup

European Stability Mechanism