Outcome of the bilateral EU-Russia gas meeting in Vienna

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 11 september 2015.

Today, European Commission Vice-President for the Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič attended bilateral talks on energy security with the Russian Federation in Vienna. Russia was represented by the Minister for Energy, Mr Alexander Novak and the CEO of Gazprom, Mr Alexej Miller. The meeting took place in a constructive atmosphere and focused on the actions needed to ensure stable gas supplies to Ukraine and via Ukraine to the EU during winter. The meeting was also the occasion to exchange views on matters regarding the EU-Russia energy relations such as energy infrastructure.

The meeting was held at the initiative of the European Commission and served to prepare the next round of trilateral gas negotiations between the European Commission, the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Bilateral talks on energy security with Ukraine already took place on 27 August 2015. Today’s meeting created a solid basis for convening a trilateral meeting with Russia and Ukraine and to finalise a new package in the near future. The Commission will propose a date for the trilateral meeting to the Russia and Ukraine.


The European Commission acts as a mediator in the latest round of trilateral talks that started in March 2015. The Commission aims at facilitating a new protocol on gas deliveries from Russia to Ukraine for the next heating season until the end of March 2016. The Commission remains convinced that a follow-up to the winter 2014 package would enable all parties to find an acceptable framework for gas trade and purchase. Securing Ukraine's winter gas supplies is a priority for the European Commission, as stated by President Juncker in his State of the European Union speech on Wednesday 9 September before the European Parliament.


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