Statement by President Donald Tusk after his meeting with President Nicos Anastasiades in Cyprus

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Raad i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 11 september 2015.

I am happy to be in Cyprus today on my first visit as President of the European Council. President Anastasiades, thank you for welcoming me. Our meeting takes place at a challenging time for this island and for Europe. And this is what we have discussed today.

First, I warmly welcome the promising resumption of Cyprus settlement talks. I see a real chance to solve this with both parties committed to achieving a lasting solution. A real interest and willingness to act from all parties is the way forward.

The next three months will be critical to eliminate obstacles to the necessary mutual understanding and trust. I have told President Anastasiades today the European Union will continue full and resolute support to the settlement process within the UN framework. We stand ready to provide whatever practical support both parties and the UN would find most useful.

A historical moment is at hand. It should not be missed. Let me assure you that I am ready to do whatever it takes not to miss this one. To the benefit of all of Cyprus, and of Europe.

We also discussed the Middle East and the role of Cyprus as a regional player. I am grateful for President Anastasiades' constructive contribution to help resolve crises in our neighbourhood. Europe has a huge interest in this part of the world. Recent events have underlined how deeply we are all affected by what happens in our neighbourhood.

In this context we also discussed the refugee crisis. This visit is part of my consultations with Member States on how to tackle this huge challenge, incl. the questions of relocation and resettlement. Cyprus is a good example of a country that is ready to help and show solidarity. The time has come to take decisions. Justice and Home Affairs ministers are meeting Monday at an emergency session. From that meeting we will need a concrete, positive sign of solidarity and unity. After contacts that I had with Member States the last few days, I feel more hopeful today that we are closer to finding a solution based on consensus and genuine solidarity. Without such a decision, I will have to call an emergency meeting of the European Council still in September.

President Anastasiades and I also discussed the economic development of Cyprus. I was pleased to hear how the efforts by the people of Cyprus are bringing positive results. It will be important to maintain this momentum and to advance on structural reforms. This will strengthen public finances and lay the ground for sustained growth and job creation now and in the future. I am thankful for the constructive role you have played and will continue to play in the European Union. Thank you.