EESC President calls for real Change in Europe

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Economisch en Sociaal Comité (EESC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 9 september 2015.

EESC President Henri Malosse opened the event marking the end of his 2½-year mandate (2013-2015) saying "I have dedicated my mandate to Europe's founding fathers. We ought to be worthy of their heritage. But when you see the majority of European citizens turning their back to the EU ideal, when you witness the Greek crisis and Europe's hesitations on the migration issue, it is fair to ask what has gone astray and what has to change. A European Indignado, I believe it is time to give Europe a new direction with clear ambitions. Change cannot come from Members States imbedded in their nationalistic thinking, nor from bureaucratic EU-institutions, but should come from organised civil society."

Christophe Hillairet, a representative of farmers, who organised a massive demonstration outside the EESC, the European Commission and the Council buildings, testified about the difficulties of the dairy sector "where prices dating from 2008 are clearly out of match with increased production costs" and of the other agricultural sectors badly hit by the Russian embargo. "We have an Agricultural Policy but it is not a Common Policy", he said, relaying the call for solidarity from European farmers to the EU.

The EESC event, entitled "Is change still possible in Europe?", was dedicated to a fundamental discussion on key elements of the future European project. The day started with a panel discussion on "Why change the EU?" with the participation of Neil Falzon, Human Rights activist (Malta), Vasco Lourenço, Leader of the April 25th 1974 Revolution (Portugal), Kostas Mavroskotis, Entrepreneur (Greece) and Viviane Teitelbaum, President of the European Women's Lobby. The panellists agreed that the European Union should evolve because European society has changed profoundly. Neil Falzon expressed his "anger over the migration crisis and the lack of a common European policy that we had called for so long ago", while Kostas Mavroskotis asked "which citizen dreams for a life devoted to pay his debts? Austerity is killing the European dream." Gérard Romiti underlined the "mistakes made in the past in the Fisheries policy, and the need to cultivate the collective intelligence to build tomorrow's Europe in all sectors. There is only stability into change".

Important achievements for EU citizens were also showcased on this occasion such as the youth apprenticeship system, the European dialogue for the Energy Union. The spotlight was also put on the work accomplished by the EESC to promote EU values for the integration of the Roma community and the shaping of a better Neighbourhood policy, as well as EESC support to participative democracy via the European Citizens' Initiative, "My Europe tomorrow" project and its repeated call for better economic governance.

In the concluding round table entitled "How can the EU bring about change?", Professor James K. Galbraith said "Europe has given up on solidarity when the Greek government was forced to accept all the demands of its creditors. This will produce excessive stress on the economy with a high risk of uncontrolled political uproar. Civil society needs to rise up, as society can change only if politics change." Ruslana Lyzhychko, Figure of the Maidan Square in Kiev, agreed, saying "civil society in Ukraine is the real Ukraine. My message to you today is simple: Europe don't be afraid to be bigger, be more ambitious, dare!".

In conclusion, President Malosse recalled that "it is ridiculous to establish barriers for persons while abolishing all barriers for goods and services. We need to go further and unite truly. This is the sense of my actions and I will keep going on."


Concrete projects carried out by civil society demonstrated its vibrant voice as a strong actor for European progress:

For more information, please contact:

Caroline ALIBERT-DEPREZ, EESC Press Unit


Tel: + 32 2 546 9406 / +32 475 75 32 02