Schulz deeply concerned about the situation in Turkey

Met dank overgenomen van Voorzitter Europees Parlement (EP-voorzitter) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 9 september 2015.

"I am very concerned about the spiral of violence which is engulfing Turkey. I condemn all kind of attacks and aggressions against security forces and civilians. My sympathy and condolences go to the families of the deceased and to the Turkish authorities. There can be no sympathy for terrorists and the culprits responsible for these acts.

Turkish political leaders have the responsibility to show the greatest restraint, work for social peace, avoid any spirit of confrontation and the development of blame-games. Turkey is today more than ever in need of unity, not division. This situation is undermining the social and political achievements reached over the last decade.

It is highly troubling to see the offices of a democratic party, the Peoples' Democratic Party, legitimately voted into parliament with 80 MPs, being attacked by an angry mob.

I call on the Turkish authorities and the Kurdish leaders to resume the peace process and to urgently re-establish the cease-fire. All voices calling for peace and reconciliation must be allowed to speak out.

It is equally troubling to witness how free media - both Turkish and international - are being raided and investigated, and journalists detained and mobbed. The pluralism and independence of the press is a vital element of Turkish democracy and a precondition for any candidate country.

A renewed spirit of unity must be found in Turkey and all efforts must be made to ensure that the upcoming elections will take place in a peaceful environment."