Visit to Vienna - Remarks by Commissioner Avramopoulos

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Migratie en Binnenlandse Zaken (HOME) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 8 september 2015.

During a visit in Vienna, Commissioner Avramopoulos i made a statement on the influx of migrants and asylum seekers to Austria.

(- - -) So let me be clear from the beginning: Europe has a duty to protect those in need.

Offering asylum is not a courtesy. It's a responsibility stemming not only from our international obligations but, above all, from Europe's humanitarian tradition and core values.

We did not need to see the deaths at sea to remind us that we are human and we have a responsibility to offer help to those in need. We did not need to discover the 71 asphyxiated bodies to realise the magnitude of the crisis. But these tragic events and the appalling images should be a stark reminder for those who wrongly believe that this crisis does not or should not concern them.

Austria has been directly impacted by the crisis, with the situation reaching a peak this weekend. And I can only praise your country for the relentless efforts to deal with the situation. I also want to praise all the competent authorities at the local, regional and national level for their work in managing this challenge and, of course, the extraordinary coordination efforts of Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner. My thanks go also to Germany.

Austria's and Germany's generous gesture to welcome refugees, due to the emergency situation in Hungary, and the outpouring of affection and support from citizens, volunteers and NGOs, is an example of European humanity and solidarity.

I think we all understand that the refugee crisis is not just Austrian, Hungarian, Greek, Italian, or German. It's a European crisis. Therefore, Europe, as a whole, must provide swift responses to the on-going developments. (- - -)

For more information:

Full speeches: Remarks by Commissioner Avramopoulos following his visit to Austria