Informal Meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers (Gymnich)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 7 september 2015.

On 4 September 2015, EU Ministers of Foreign and European Affairs are addressing the Middle East peace process, the EU's Eastern Partnership and the Union's relations with Russia.

On 5 September, the Ministers are joined by representatives of the candidate countries for EU accession to discuss migration and the challenges that the EU and the candidate countries must face in this area. Afterwards, the Ministers are discussing EU-Iranian relations following the agreement on Iran's nuclear programme.

Migration & Refugee crisis dominates EU Foreign Ministers meeting

The migration and refugee crisis gripping Europe was discussed by EU Foreign Ministers on 5 and 6 of September in Luxembourg. The long planned meeting came at the end of an emotionally charged week. The publication of a picture of a young Syrian boy drowned on a Turkish beach provoked international outcry at the crisis.

"We need to start using the right words: it is partially a migrant flow, but it is mainly a refugee flow, which puts us in a different situation when it comes to our legal and moral duties, said the EU High Representative Federica Mogherini i after the meeting.

A European, regional and global crisis

Mrs Mogherini stressed it is "becoming clearer with each passing day that it does not affect one Member State alone", but rather all EU countries. Even though only a few months ago the problem was concentrated in certain Member States it is now affecting other Member States and it "could affect others in the forthcoming months", she insisted. "I hope that eventually we will realise that all these people are coming to Europe, not one Member State in particular" she added.

The High Representative also stressed that EU states "were in the same boat" as Candidates countries (countries who have applied to join the EU, as those in the Western Balkans and Turkey) when it comes to this crisis. "It is not only a European crisis, it is a regional crisis. And a global crisis, too: that is why we discussed it, and I discuss it on a daily basis with the UN and UN system, starting with UNHCR", Mogherini explained.

More cooperation in five keys areas

In practical terms Mrs Mogherini said that EU countries had agreed to strengthen cooperation in five different areas. Firstly to ensure better protection to those in need and that the asylum seekers are entitled to the status of refugees. Secondly, that Europe should manage borders in full respect of European values - namely in accord with respect for human rights.

The third factor identified was fighting against smugglers' and traffickers' networks. Mrs Mogherini said that this is an area where the EU is already active with an operation in the Mediterranean to fight the traffickers and smugglers at sea. She said she had shared with other Foreign Ministers suggestions to transit to phase 2 of this operation, which would allow Eunavfor Med to operate in high seas to fight the traffickers and smugglers.

The fourth area of more cooperation was with third countries, both the countries where people are coming and the countries they are transiting. She noted in this respect return and readmission agreements are also working with partners in the Middle East and Africa on boosting economic development and jobs - especially for young people.

Finally, Ministers also agreed that the root causes of the crisis must be tackled. Mrs Mogherini mentioned that Libya was hopefully reaching the last stages of UN-led negotiations to form a National Unity Government. She reiterated that the EU was ready to support the process and the government in all possible ways, if requested to do so

Regarding Syria she said the international community must intensity their efforts to find a political solution to the conflict. The recent regional deal between Iran and the international community over its nuclear program "could open the way for a different kind of regional framework that could facilitate steps for reaching a solution to the Syrian conflict."

Middle East & Eastern Partnership

The Middle East was also discussed at the meeting and Mrs Mogherini mentioned the fact that migrants and asylum seekers to Europe include increasing numbers of Palestinians. Mogherini spoke about a "long and constructive" discussion in preparation for the next steps and, in particular, working with their partners in the Middle East Quartet (EU, USA, Russia and the UN) in the Israel-Palestine peace process

Relations with the Eastern Partners were also discussed during the informal meeting. Federica Mogherini reported "constructive" relations with Russia, in particular with regard to migrants, the agreement with Iran and the Middle East peace process. Regarding the Ukraine crisis, Mogherini reiterated that the EU supports the "full" implementation of the Minsk Agreements.


Remarks by Federica Mogherini in full :


Eastern Partnership,


Middle East Peace Process,
